

Local Connections


Cal Poly's Local Connections program aims to support out-of-state students and foster a sense of community in their new home away from home. The program offers Mustangs the chance to find and form lasting support systems throughout their Cal Poly journey, providing opportunities to meet, connect and build long-lasting friendships with local community members and fellow out-of-state students.

Local Guides
Community members, Cal Poly faculty and staff are encouraged to join Local Connections as a local guide to connect with a current out-of-state student and offer support, guidance, friendship and recommendations. It can be as easy as meeting on campus once a quarter over a cup of coffee.

Out-of-State Students
The Cal Poly External Relations and New Student and Transitions Program teams will host student-led programming throughout the year for the out-of-state student community to get connected with each other. Programming may include study groups, game nights, community cooking events featuring foods from different parts of the world, bowling, local activities, sporting events and more!

Get Involved

Apply today through the sign-up button below!


Phone: 805-756-6700

Program History

The idea to create Local Connections was sparked by Cal Poly parents Julia and Scott Starkey in 2014 who saw the benefit of having this type of program available to their child at another institution.

“A sponsor program gives those students who are far from home the opportunity to have a local connection that offers some of the benefits of being close to family. Many of these students just need a place to get away, a home cooked meal, or simply a little peace and comfort." - Julia Starkey

Example of an image that is floated to the left side
Julia and Scott Starkey (center) with
two sponsor students.


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