

Poly Parent News: December 2020

This Month's Newsletter

Message from Our Team

Mustang Family Green and Gold Packs

Winter 2021 Mustang Move-In

Winter Quarter Finals Schedule

Contactless Library Checkout

Service Spotlight: Cal Poly Cares  

Parents Reflect on Why They Give to Cal Poly

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Message from Our Team

Dear Parents and Supporters,

There's no place like home for the holidays! While this year has been challenging, we hope that you and your Mustang find time to connect and enjoy this time of year together, whether it be in-person or virtual. Your engagement is critical to your student’s success, and we thank you for your continued support.

As your Mustang prepares for winter quarter, please continue to monitor the Cal Poly COVID-19 website for campus updates and resources, including winter quarter testing requirements. Our office will continue to forward important university messages to your inbox so that you stay informed about the latest information. Please reach out to us anytime with questions about the remainder of the academic year.

Wishing you and your family a healthy and peaceful holiday!

Enjoy this month’s edition of Poly Parent News.

Parent and Family Programs Team

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Mustang Family Green and Gold Packs

Mustang Family Green and Gold Packs include an exclusive Cal Poly Mustang Family T-shirt (available in multiple quantities and sizes), one 32 oz. Cal Poly Nalgene bottle, one Cal Poly face mask, one Cal Poly Mustang Family 2020 sticker and one Cal Poly Proud Family car decal. Order yours today!

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Winter 2021 Mustang Move-In

Due to public health requirements, the university is instituting a staggered move-in process over the first week of winter quarter. All move-ins are by appointment only. Students will be emailed a notice with instructions on how to secure an appointment time in their Housing Portal. Learn more.

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Winter Quarter Finals Schedule

Calendar Update: During Cal Poly’s winter quarter, finals week will be fully virtual, with the last day of in-person instruction occurring on Friday, March 12. To view the full finals week schedule, visit

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Contactless Library Checkout

The Kennedy Library is offering contactless pickup and delivery of library materials during winter break with the exception of Dec. 28-30. Learn more.

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Service Spotlight: Cal Poly Cares                                        

Cal Poly Cares provides limited financial assistance to currently enrolled Cal Poly students who are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses because of temporary hardship related to an unexpected situation. The grant is designated to offset a short-term financial need and is not intended to replace or supplement financial aid. Learn more and give today.

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Parents Reflect on Why They Give to Cal Poly

Learn by Doing was born here at Cal Poly, and because of the ongoing support from you — our incredible parents and supporters — it continues to thrive here.

It's no mystery to us that dynamic, hands-on learning experiences are the primary driver behind our students becoming tomorrow's leaders, impacting industries in California and beyond. Recently we asked a few parents why they give back and what a gift to Cal Poly means to them.

“There are thousands of individuals that continue to support Cal Poly and each of us do it in our way,” said parent and alum Ken Stone (Architecture, ’79).

Stone and his wife Jeanne (Liberal Studies, ’78), recently made a gift to the Cal Poly Scholars program.

“The thought was if we can impact one or two students then that can continue to grow because hopefully other parents will realize it’s not a huge amount but it makes a huge difference for those students,” Jeanne said.

Whether you choose to give a gift to a scholarship program such as Cal Poly Scholars, a crowdfunding campaign or directly to your student’s department major or even club – all gifts make an impact.

“I’m a generous giver to Cal Poly because I know where the money is going to go,” explained parent and alum Dan Weeks, (Computer Science, ’83). “When you can direct your funds it makes you just feel good that you’re able to give back in a way where it doesn’t have to be a lot of money, but the impact is huge.”

Supporting student success can take form as a one-time gift, recurring payments, matching gifts from your employer or even an estate gift or endowment. Weeks decided to give back by committing a portion of his estate to the Cal Poly Center for Entrepreneurship.

“That was actually the easiest gift I gave to Cal Poly because it doesn’t lower my standard of living but it actually could be something that’s very valuable longer term for Cal Poly,” Weeks explained.

Learn more about year-end gift options at or contact Morgen Marshall, Director of Parent Philanthropy at

Click here to watch a video featuring more from Cal Poly parents on what inspired them to power Learn by Doing forward. 

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Recommended Viewing

Why Are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? Beverly Daniel Tatum

When Beverly Daniel Tatum wrote her bestselling book on the psychology of racism, "Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? And Other Conversations About Race," she hoped to move people beyond fear, anger and denial to a better understanding of what racism is, how it impacts us all, and ultimately, what we can do about it. 

Two decades later, that remains a struggle. Walk into any racially mixed high school cafeteria, and you’ll still likely see Black, white and Latino youth clustered in their own groups — a self-segregation extending to college dining halls, faculty lounges and corporate cafeterias. Tatum, president emerita of Spelman College and a nationally recognized authority on racial issues in the U.S., looks anew at the issue and what she sees as a continued futility in attempting to discuss racial differences. Watch the video.

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