

Poly Parent News: April 2019

This Month's Newsletter

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Director's Message

We are in the final stretch towards summer. Many of your students are nearing completion of their degree and Commencement is in sight!

Spring is a time for new growth and we are driven to enhance and grow family and supporter involvement through resources such as this newsletter! We know that family and supporter partnerships and involvement contribute significantly to the overall success and wellbeing of our students, and at Cal Poly, student success and retention is our biggest priority.

Are you enjoying this monthly newsletter? Please share your suggestions for future newsletters with us by emailing Our goal is to increase your awareness and education of campus and community resources and we welcome your ideas!

Hope to see you soon!

Tessa Stevens Espinoza, M.A. Ed.
Senior Director of Strategy and Engagement

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Is Your Student Graduating this June? Sign Up for Spring Commencement 2019 Emails

Parents, supporters, family, and friends can sign up for Spring Commencement 2019 information emails HERE to stay in the loop about commencement ceremonies, regalia, parking, tickets, and more.

You can also follow Commencement on social media on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date with the latest news and announcements.

Visit for ongoing updates and new information throughout commencement season!

Contact the Commencement Office at 805-756-1600 or with any additional questions or for more information.

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Resource Spotlight - Cal Poly Cares

Cal Poly has a variety of great resources for a diverse student body. Each month we will highlight one that may be beneficial or of interest to your student.

Cal Poly is committed to creating an environment for all students to reach their full potential and thrive. 

Along this journey, many students are unable to afford expenses core to their ongoing success, including housing and meals, academic supplies and materials, personal care items, professional clothing and unplanned emergencies.ccc

Our Cal Poly Foundation Board members have come together to support these students in their highest areas of need and created the Cal Poly Foundation Fund for Students. This fund provides awards to students through the Cal Poly Cares Grant program and is administered by the Student Affairs Division in collaboration with the Financial Aid Office.

Student Affairs partners throughout campus to create a comprehensive referral network to support students with critical and urgent needs. Faculty, staff, academic advisors, counselors, Campus Health & Wellbeing, Student Academic Services, Disability Resource Center, Cross Cultural Centers and department leaders throughout Cal Poly may refer students to the Cal Poly Cares Grant program by contacting the Dean of Students Office at 805-756-2472.

For additional support, please contact:

To show your commitment for our fellow Mustangs in these areas, please give to a Cal Poly student today. Any contribution is deeply appreciated.

Give to Cal Poly Cares

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Spring Emerging and Developing Leadership Series

The Emerging Leadership Certificate program is the perfect way for students to build leadership skills, practice teamwork and communication skills, connect with other student leaders, and learn about how to get involved at Cal Poly, The Emerging Leaders Series is FREE, open to all students (no experience required) - it starts week 2 of the quarter and goes for 8 weeks. 

  • Tuesday 2pm - 4pm
  • Tuesday 3 - 5pm 
  • Wednesday 10am - Noon 
  • Wednesday 1 - 3pm
  • Wednesday 5 - 7pm 
  • Thursday Noon - 2pm

Registration is open to students today here:

The Developing Leaders Series allows students to engage in dynamic conversations about social responsibility and cultural understanding in leadership. DLS takes an application-based approach to the Social Change Model of Leadership, and builds on the foundational dialogue students have in the Emerging Leaders Series. Students in the Developing Leaders Series leave with a better understanding of leadership as a process of social change, and an action plan for how they want to enact change in their community.

  • Wednesdays 3 - 5pm
  • Available online

Register today by emailing

Piloting New Global Leaders Series – The Center for Leadership is piloting a new four-week series focused on cross-contextual and cross-cultural leadership. If your student is interested in providing feedback and more, encourage them to reach out to Coordinator Elizabeth Thomas at

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Tell Us About Your Parent Experience

The Association of Higher Education Parent/Family Programs Professionals (AHEPPP) is interested in hearing your stories! AHEPPP is the premier national association for professionals who work with the parents and families of college students. They provide valuable resources, networking opportunities, and education to support professionals in higher education who promote student success through informed parent and family engagement.

In order to learn more about college parenting on a national scale, they are looking for parents and family members of college students to share information about their relationship with their student and the institution they attend. Your responses will help colleges and universities as they try to uncover trends and best work with parents. 

Take the Survey Online Today

The survey is only 25 questions and should only take 5-10 minutes to complete. It will close on May 10.

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Get to Know Chip Neuenschwander

By Danica Liang

Fifth-year student, Liberal Arts and Engineering Studies

Not everyone can say they worked for Disney, training cast members to represent a renowned brand that is recognizable across multiple generations and continents. Chip Neuenschwander can. As the assistant director of student clubs and organizations, Neuenschwander utilizes his training and Disney know-how to help Cal Poly students find their own slice of community on campus through the 400+clubs and organizations he currently oversees. He recently provided a glimpse of his daily role, his approach to working with students and the organizations they represent, and what aspects of his role he enjoys most.

Can you tell me about your role? What do you believe is the most important aspect of your job?

I basically serve all of the student organizations on campus. I guess you could say the most important role of my job is being an advocate for the students -- that’s really the culture of Dean of Students’ Office. We serve the students, we’re a voice for those who need to speak out, we encourage them to make their own decisions, we provide boundaries and guidelines, and help them make good choices.

Can you tell me about your approach working with students?

You have to start with listening. Each time I come into a situation thinking I’m going to impart knowledge, but the students are teaching me more than I’m teaching them. I have to remind myself to be quick to listen, because Cal Poly students are extremely intelligent. They’re not waiting around for something -- especially if they’re club leaders; they’re doers. So, I have to remind myself that these are leaders of today and tomorrow, and they have just as much to teach me.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The students. For one thing, it’s hard to get into Cal Poly, so you have to be pretty special to get here. In addition to that, they’re students who have designated themselves to run a club or they’ve been chosen by their peers to perform a particular aspect of a club. It means that their peers have said, “you have invested enough of yourself successfully into this that we want you to lead us now.” Their peers are saying: “We want you to lead us.” These are the people I get to interact with. It’s really cool to be able to connect with so many students who are very, very bright.

What impact can clubs and organizations have on a student’s experience at Cal Poly?

When a student comes to Cal Poly, it’s scary and exciting at the same time. You’re surrounded by 21,000 students, and you desperately need a community. You need a close-knit group that cares about you, that is interested in you, that -- if you’re not there and you blow it off -- they’re like: “Hey, where were you?” That’s what student clubs and organizations can provide.

In addition to that, so many students I talk to get career connections and internship opportunities through their participation in clubs. For instance, I know there are some clubs that attend conferences, where they get to interact with some great minds from all across the country.

Students may remember a particular lecture or a particular textbook. It is every bit as likely that they’ll remember an experience where they directed their own learning. I also think that people are happiest when they’re in a group, doing something that’s bigger than themselves. They’re going somewhere. They’re making something better. They’re a part of a team, and they’re going to do this together — even if there’s a chance of failure. That’s what makes it exciting.

What advice do you have to students who are looking to get involved in an existing club or who want to start their own club?

I would say give it a try. Students can get overwhelmed with all of the options. We had club showcase, and I told students: “You’re not chiseling your name in stone. You’re just putting your name down and they send you an email and if you want to go, go! Give it a try! And if you don’t like it, don’t do it anymore. Find something that you do like. Keep trying until you find it.”

If you want to start a club, it’s the same thing — just give it a try. See if there is a group of people who are interested in the same thing. If you’re going to start a club, whatever your vision is, stay true to it and focus on students who share those same values. If you’re looking to just fill up your roster with a whole slew of names, you’re probably not going to find as much success as when you connect with people who say: “I’m coming because I believe in what you’re doing.”

It’s not just about pizza parties and inflatables – it’s about people who say: “This resonates with my identity, and the reason this add values to me is because it speaks to me; it speaks to something that I’m interested in.”

For more information about Cal Poly Student Clubs and Organizations, visit

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April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month which encourages individuals to show their support for survivors, promote consent, and stand up to victim blaming. Safer partners with a number of organizations both on campus and off campus to put on events surrounding the topic, including conversations about prevention, healthy sexuality, masculinity, and more!

Safer is Cal Poly’s confidential advocacy, education and support resource for addressing sexual assault, sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. Safer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious or spiritual beliefs, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military status, or documentation status in any of its activities or operations. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our community.

  • Contact Info:, 805-756-2282
  • Crisis Services Location: Health Center, Building 27, Room 184
  • Program Office Location: University Union, Building 65, Room 217
  • Academic Year Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-5pm

Safer has an exciting variety of events going on this month, with collaborations coming from all areas of campus and the community including:

  • Bitter or Sweet: Students & Sugar Dating | Saturday, April 20 from 10AM – 2PM | Building 52 – E03
    • Safer’s first foray into discussing sugar dating, and it’s intersections with sex trafficking. Join in dissecting this issue more and engaging in dialogue about harm reduction and preventative strategies!
  • Supporting Male Survivors | Wednesday, April 24 from 6 – 8 PM | Philips Hall
    • In partnership with Men & Masculinity, Safer isd excited to host an event that focuses on the unique needs of male survivors of sexual violence, led by Seth Stewart from 1in6.
  • Take Back the Night | Thursday, April 25 from 5:30 – 8:30 PM | Mission Plaza (Downtown SLO)
    • This is Safer’s cornerstone event. Take Back the Night is a survivor-centered event held in cities across the globe to empower survivors of sexual violence while also remembering those who have been taken from us. Join Safer for an evening of art, activism and empowerment!
  • RISE Up & Rock: A Benefit Concert Supporting Survivors | Saturday, April 27 from 2 -7 PM | SLO Brew Rock
    • Supporting their critical work in our community, please join RISE for an afternoon of music, family-friendly fun, awareness, and fundraising for RISE at the SLO Brew Rock! Featured performers are: SLO Grrrl Music Collective, The Bogeys, Hot Tina, & Brass Mash. For more information, visit RISE’s website.

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Recommended Parent Reading List

Ever wish there was a how-to guide on parenting college students? While there might not be a manual on raising young adults, there are several helpful resources, articles and books to help you support your student. Each quarter, our office will recommend a recent and relevant book or article for parents and supporters of students of all identities and backgrounds.

Winter Quarter Reading Recommendation: “The Gift Of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed” by Jessica Lahey

In the tradition of Paul Tough’s How Children Succeed and Wendy Mogel’s The Blessing of a Skinned Knee, this groundbreaking manifesto focuses on the critical school years when parents must learn to allow their children to experience the disappointment and frustration that occur from life’s inevitable problems so that they can grow up to be successful, resilient, and self-reliant adults.

Modern parenting is defined by an unprecedented level of overprotectiveness: parents who rush to school at the whim of a phone call to deliver forgotten assignments, who challenge teachers on report card disappointments, mastermind children’s friendships, and interfere on the playing field. As teacher and writer Jessica Lahey explains, even though these parents see themselves as being highly responsive to their children’s well being, they aren’t giving them the chance to experience failure—or the opportunity to learn to solve their own problems.

Overparenting has the potential to ruin a child’s confidence and undermine their education, Lahey reminds us. Teachers don’t just teach reading, writing, and arithmetic. They teach responsibility, organization, manners, restraint, and foresight—important life skills children carry with them long after they leave the classroom.

Providing a path toward solutions, Lahey lays out a blueprint with targeted advice for handling homework, report cards, social dynamics, and sports. Most importantly, she sets forth a plan to help parents learn to step back and embrace their children’s failures. Hard-hitting yet warm and wise, The Gift of Failure is essential reading for parents, educators, and psychologists nationwide who want to help children succeed.

Want to start a local Cal Poly parent reading circle? Browse Facebook for the many local Facebook groups created and maintained by current and past Cal Poly Proud parents. Happy reading!

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 Important Dates and Deadlines

April 2 | Baseball vs. Santa Clara | 6-9pm | Baggett Stadium

April 4 | Forestry and Firefighting Talk with Dan Turner | 11am-12pm | Building 180 Room 112

Retired Battalion Chief Dan Turner will be holding a discussion about his experience in Fire, RPF certification, and opening opportunities in the profession.

April 4 | Disability Tapas | 11am-12pm | Building 52 Room E26

Additional dates: April 11, 18, 25

Tapas, like disabilities, come in many different forms and can vary greatly.

Join us for some snack-size information and interactive discussions on a variety of disability-related topics!  Presentations are geared toward faculty and staff, and offered every Thursday.

Provided by the Disability Resource Center,  805-756-1395

April 4 | Sex Trafficking Panel and Workshop | 12-2pm | UU 219

Join Safer during Sexual Assault Awareness Month as we host a multi-disciplinary panel on how sex trafficking affects college students, followed by multiple workshops on the topic of preventing trafficking and supporting college student survivors. Sweets and a light lunch will be provided.

April 4| Alpha Phi Omega Info Night | 8:10 – 10pm | Building 197 Room 104

Come and check out Alpha Phi Omega! At this event, prospective members will meet the brothers, learn about the organization, and how to join.

April 5 | Softball vs. Hawaii | 5-7:30pm | Janssen Field

April 5 | Baseball vs. CS Fullerton | 6-9pm | Baggett Stadium

April 5 | West Side Story | 7-10:30pm | Spanos Theatre

Additional performances: April 6 2-5:30pm and 7-10:30pm, April 7 2-5:30pm

Coastal Performing Arts Center presents "West Side Story."

April 5 | Iliza: Elder Millennial | 8-10pm | Performing Arts Center

Iliza is one of today’s leading comedians with a fan base who show their loyalty by creating their own Iliza-inspired swag to wear to her shows. After being the only woman and youngest comedian ever to win NBC's Last Comic Standing, she began a late night limited-run talk show, Truth & Iliza, on Freeform. In November 2017, she released her first book, Girl Logic: The Genius and the Absurdity (Hachette Book Group) – a subversively funny collection of essays and observations on a confident woman's approach to friendship, singlehood, and relationships.

April 6 | Cal Poly Rodeo Queen Competition | 8am-12pm | Building 8 Room 123

The 2019 Cal Poly Rodeo Queen Competition will be held between five Cal Poly Student competing for the 2019 title as Miss Cal Poly Rodeo.

April 6 | Softball vs. Hawaii | 1-5:30pm | Janssen Field

April 6 | Baseball vs. CS Fullerton | 4-7pm | Baggett Stadium

April 6 | Smile and Nod Spring 2019 Shows | 5:30-10pm | Building 180 Room 101

April 7 | Baseball vs. CS Fullerton | 1-4pm | Baggett Stadium

April 7 | Havana Cuba All-Stars - Asere! A Fiesta Cubana | 7-9pm | Performing Arts Center

The Havana Cuba All-Stars are some of Cuba’s greatest musicians. With rhythms and melodies from the cha cha to the rumba, from “Son Cubano” style to the salsa, the All-Stars will showcase a wide variety of Cuban beats. The group is inspired by and dedicated to promoting the entire tapestry of Cuban music through a fresh, contemporary lens.

April 8 | Wear It Wise Film Screening | 6:30-8:30pm | Building 33 Room 287

Wear It Wise is a campaign hosted through Net Impact that aims to educate individuals about the impacts of the fast fashion industry and how consumers can shop more ethically. For this event we will be watching the film "The True Cost" and will discuss the ways in which we can improve our shopping habits. Admission is free and there will be chances to win raffle prizes!

April 9 | Personal Statement Workshop | 11am-12pm | Building 180 Room 113

We will be hosting a representative from Career Services to discuss how to write a personal statement for graduate school applications. It will be geared toward psychology and child development majors, but those from all majors are welcome to attend.

April 9 | Baseball vs. Fresno State | 6-9pm | Baggett Stadium

April 10 | Something Rotten! | 7:30-9:30pm | Performing Arts Center

With 10 Tony nominations, including Best Musical, Something Rotten! Is a “big, fat hit!” (New York Post). Set in the ‘90s – the 1590s – this hilarious smash tells the story of Nick and Nigel Bottom– two brothers who are desperate to write their own hit play while the “rock star” Shakespeare keeps getting all the hits. When a local soothsayer foretells that the future of theatre involves singing, dancing and acting at the same time, Nick and Nigel set out to write the world’s very first musical! With its heart on its ruffled sleeve and sequins in its soul, Something Rotten! is “The Producers + Spamalot + The Book of Mormon. Squared!” (New York Magazine) “An explosion of musical joy!” – NPR

April 11 | Student Research at Cal Poly in All Disciplines: A Mentor/Mentee Panel | 11am-12pm | Building 20 Room 128

Panelists include Cal Poly faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates who have worked together as researchers. Explores the benefits of conducting research together and strategies for successful collaborations.

April 11 | Ranky Tanky | 7:30-10pm | Spanos Theatre

Ranky Tanky released their eponymous debut on October 20, 2017.  By December of that year, the group had been profiled on NPR's "Fresh Air with Terry Gross" and their album soared to the #1 positions on the Billboard, I-Tunes, and Amazon Jazz Charts.  "Ranky Tanky" translates loosely as "Work It," or "Get Funky!"  In this spirit this Charleston, SC based quintet performs timeless music of Gullah culture born in the southeastern Sea Island region of the United States.  From playful game songs to ecstatic shouts, from heartbreaking spirituals to delicate lullabies, the musical roots of Charleston, SC are "rank" and fertile ground from which these contemporary artists are grateful to have grown.

April 12 | Getting Into Grad School Panel |3-4:30pm | Building 186 Room C103

A panel of individuals who have applied to a variety of graduate programs relating to psychology and child development.

April 12 | Cal Poly Student Opera Theatre: Vocal Standards from the '30s and '40s | 7:30-10pm | Spanos Theatre

April 13 | Men’s Tennis vs. UC Riverside |10am-1:30pm | Tennis Courts

April 13 | Women’s Tennis vs. CS Fullerton | 1:30-5;30pm | Tennis Courts

April 13 | Cal Poly Open House Recital | 2-3pm | Building 45 Room 218

The Music Department will present an Open House Recital in Room 218 of the Davidson Music Center (No. 45) on campus. The recital, featuring both instrumentalists and vocalists, is one of many scheduled events for Cal Poly’s 26th annual Open House. The program will include string ensembles, a saxophone quartet, barbershop quartet, jazz combo and brass ensembles.

April 13 | Vitaly - An Evening of Wonders | 7-9pm | Spanos Theatre

Master illusionist Vitaly presents all-original magic in a one man show, with the occasional help from an audience member.  "Incredible... You fooled us!"  (Penn & Teller)

April 14 | Women’s Tennis vs. UC Irvine | 11am-3pm | Tennis Courts

April 14 | The State of Being Happy (SUN) | 2-3:30pm | Performing Arts Pavilion

The State of Being Happy" is an original theatrical production written by Grantland Tracy and directed by Emily Kluger that features a "Choose Your Own Adventure" style narrative in which the audience will have the opportunity to use their smartphones to vote (in real-time) on the decisions made by the characters on stage.

April 14 | MET Live in HD: Die Walkure | 2-7pm | Performing Arts Center

In what is expected to be a Wagnerian event for the ages, soprano Christine Goerke plays Brünnhilde, Wotan’s willful warrior daughter, who loses her immortality in opera’s most famous act of filial defiance. Tenor Stuart Skelton and soprano Eva-Maria Westbroek play the incestuous twins Siegmund and Sieglinde. Greer Grimsley sings Wotan. Philippe Jordan conducts.

April 15 | Startup Career Fair | 9:30am-4pm | Chumash Auditorium

Startup Career Fair is hosted every spring by Cal Poly Entrepreneurs. This career fair attracts highly motivated students from all majors and colleges who are seeking internships, co-ops and/or full-time positions at startups and/or early stage companies (less than 50 employees). Over 30 companies from across the central coast will be present at this event.

April 16 | Get to Work: Examining Gender Based Violence in STEM Occupations | 11am-12pm | Building 197 Room 104

April 18 | Meningitis B Vaccination Clinic | 10am-2pm | UU 221 (San Luis Lounge)

April 19 | Men’s Tennis vs. Hawaii | 12-4pm | Tennis Courts

April 19 | Civic Ballet Presents Rodeo and Julia Caesar | 7-9pm | Spanos Theatre

Additional performances: April 20

April 20 | Central Coast Freedom Network Conference | 10am-2pm | Philips Hall

Safer and the Central Coast Freedom Network are hosting a conference for the Cal Poly and San Luis Obispo community to raise awareness and activism about sex trafficking on and off college campuses. This event will include a panel and series of workshops for people to learn how to support those affected by sex trafficking.

April 22 | "Surviving R. Kelly Viewing and Dialogue" | 6:30-8:30pm | UU 208 (Chandler Lounge)

Additional screenings: April 29

Safer, the Gender Equity Center, and Housing invite you to a viewing and dialogue series for the Lifetime original series - Surviving R. Kelly

April 26 | Baseball vs. USC | 6-9pm | Baggett Stadium

April 27 | Softball vs. Long Beach State | 1-5:30pm | Janssen Field

April 27 | Baseball vs. USC | 4-7pm | Baggett Stadium

April 28 | Baseball vs. USC | 1-4pm | Baggett Stadium

April 28 | Softball vs. Long Beach State | 1-3:30pm | Janssen Field

April 29 | The Anthem Poetry Slam | 7-10:30pm | Chumash Auditorium

April 30 | The Courage to Lead: "Bystander Moment" Screening, Panel & Discussion | 6:30-8:30pm | Building 52 Room E03

Safer and the Center for Leadership will be hosting a film screening of "The Bystander Moment: Transforming Rape Culture at its Roots." This screening will be followed by a discussion and panel focused on the courage to lead and what it takes to create a community of active bystanders.

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Upcoming Events

April 1 | Final installment of housing payment plan and dining payment plan due for 2018-19. A $25 charge applies to late payments. (See fee schedules for payment amount.)

April 1 | Academic holiday | Cesar Chavez's birthday observed

April 1 | 1st Direct Deposit Refund for Excess Financial Aid

April 2-11 | During the traditional weeks of high school spring breaks, students and parents can meet each day (except for weekends and holidays) for a tour of campus housing. 

April 2 | Spring Quarter 2019 classes begin.

April 2 | Students can continue to enroll in open classes or add themselves to waitlist without permission numbers

April 2 | Waitlist process runs twice a day (noon and evening) to enroll students from waitlists if seats open up

April 5 | Last day to enroll in open classes without a permission number

April 5 | Waitlist process runs for the last time this evening

April 8-11 | Students can enroll only with a permission number

April 8 | Intrahall trades (within the same hall) begin.

April 10 | Interhall trades (to another hall) begin.

Mid-April | Continuing students who secured housing select their apartments and bedrooms. Students will be emailed the self-selection date and time in advance.

April 11-13 | Cal Poly Open House 

April 11 | Last day to add or swap classes via Student Center with a permission number.

April 11 | Last day to drop classes, and change CR/NC grading option via Student Center.

April 11 | Last day to submit class audit petition to the Office of the Registrar (5pm).

April 11 | Last day to log in and adjust your PolyPlan to avoid being placed in the last rotation appointment (PolyPlanner non-compliant) for Fall 2019 registration by 5pm

April 12 | Late Enrollment Appeal period begins

April 15 | PASS available for Summer 2019 Quarter

April 18 | Last day to submit Late Enrollment Appeal (5pm)

May 3 | Students on the Summer Quarter 2019 interest list students are sent an email asking if they are still interested in campus housing. Those who respond will be emailed application instructions. Students with ADA needs should contact Disability Resource Center (DRC).

May 7 | Last day newly admitted first-year and transfer students can edit the 2019-20 housing application through University Housing single-click access on the Cal Poly Portal. Edits to application do not change the application submission date.

May 10 | PASS available for Fall 2019 Quarter

May 27 | Academic holiday I Memorial Day

May 28 | Fee Past Due Date (if not financial aid deferred)

May 28 | Classes follow a Monday Schedule

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Important Campus Phone Numbers

Admissions | (805) 756-2311
Career Services | (805) 756-2501
Commencement Office | (805) 756-1600
Counseling Services | (805) 756-2511
Disability Resource Center | (805) 756-1395
Financial Aid Office | (805) 756-2927
Health Services | (805) 756-1211
Mustang Success Center | (805) 756-6211
Parent and Family Programs | (805) 756-6700
Student Accounts | (805) 756-1428
University Housing | (805) 756-1226
University Police Department | (805) 756-2281

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